Sunday, July 26, 2015

? Is your shrimp HOT enough ?


Mad Dam Mad

Shared publicly  -  Jul 17, 2015
July 15, 2015 - Are you still eating sushi or any seafood from the Pacific Ocean? 
Well you might want to reconsider after reading this article. 
When it comes to environmental disasters, the nuclear fallout at Fukushima has to be amongst the worst that has happened in the past few decades. 
Andrew Kishner, founder of has put together a great resource of information that tracks what has been developing over time in Fukushima as it relates to the nuclear incident. 
You can check out his research further using the links below.

Exerps from -  Gary Stamper in regards to what has been happening with Fukushima.
 It is,  an out-of-control flow of death and destruction.

300 to possibly over 450 tons of contaminated water that contains radioactive iodine, cesium, and strontium-89 and 90, is flooding into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Daichi site everyday.
Japanese experts estimate Fukushima’s fallout at 20-30 times as high as as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings in 1945.

There’s a lot you’re not being told. 
... you won’t find it on the corporate-owned evening news.”

( via )

LATEST: TEPCO says they believe 
10 trillion becquerels of strontium-90 
20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137
 have leaked into the ocean from the crippled reactor complex since 5/11.
 ( ? a  low estimate.? )  
... radioactive tritium levels in the sea (seaport) at Daiichi are creeping up ...

In the latest mess at Fukushima, one or more of the hundreds of storage tanks at the nuclear complex holding EXTREMELY radioactive liquid waste are leaking. 




Friday, July 17, 2015

- Police - American Style -

? Serve And Protect ?

need we say more ...

- a few lyrics from - WINTERSGREY with "Revolution Now." -


WINTERSGREY with "Revolution Now."
---Boots on the ground to keep America free
But it sends the boys back with ptsd Our Commander in Chief doesn't own a gun
But he'll send the boys to war because its not his son

Democrat republican nobody cares Just hunt us down some truth in the drones cross hairs
Our poison politics have gone too far
With a president who acts like he's a rock star

One day we'll see we built a house of cards
Terror on our soil has gone too far
If you don't care now you never will Lets revolution now before the...
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